Horizon Boulevard Walk/Bike Path

FM 1281 (known locally as Horizon Boulevard) is a major Texas Department of Transportation Highway for Horizon City, Texas. The highly traveled boulevard had limited sidewalks that were not well-connected, creating safety concerns for pedestrians and bicyclists. The City Council of Horizon City had a desire to install a sidewalk along Horizon Boulevard to provide connectivity to schools, parks, and commercial areas as part of their Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program, while also delivering a safe place for residents to walk or bicycle. Huitt-Zollars, as the City Engineer for the town of Horizon City, designed the schematics for the walk/bike path, shepherded the City through the process of obtaining Federal Funding for the project, provided construction management services as the project was built, and worked closely with the City for the success of the project. During SRTS public meetings the Horizon Boulevard Walk/Bike path was identified as a key feature for the community.

Horizon Boulevard Walk/Bike Path
Horizon City
Town of Horizon City