Huitt-Zollars served as the lead designer for the Dyer Corridor BRIO bus rapid transit system that reaches 10.2 miles in length and includes 12 stops in each direction. The system connects with other transit services at three terminals along the route and features specially branded BRIO buses, a distinctive shelter design adapted to site conditions, pre-pay fare collection, next bus information, and traffic signal priority. Huitt-Zollars planned and designed improvements to the Downtown Transfer Center and the Five Points Terminal to accommodate the BRIO service which included the design for traffic signal priority and synchronization, bus shelters, ADA accessibility improvements, curbs, bus pads, signage illumination, facilities for transit service, and other roadway improvements on the Dyer, Alameda, and Mesa transit corridors.
Dyer Road BRIO Bus Rapid Transit System
El Paso
City of El Paso