
Foothills Trail Phase II Enumclaw to Buckley

The Foothills Trail project integrates historical preservation, environmental stewardship, and innovative engineering to enhance community connectivity. Spanning 22 miles, the trail serves over 280,000 residents, linking Puyallup to Enumclaw. Huitt-Zollars, as the prime consultant, led the design and construction of a critical 1.2-mile segment bridging a long-standing gap between Enumclaw and Buckley.

Pierce Transit Maintenance and Operation Base Electric Vehicle Charging

Huitt-Zollars provided services on three separate electric charging projects: 

6 dual EV NRV’s and Employees’ Personal Vehicles: Employee parking lot expansion/re-striping of the existing lot, included 6 dual EV chargers. Work also included concrete paving, lighting, drainage (collection, conveyance, treatment, disposal), security landscape, ADA improvements. As the prime consultant, our services included PS&E, bid documents, permitting, SEPA/NEPA, design survey, and bidding.

Pierce Transit Maintenance and Operations Base Improvements

The Pierce Transit Lakewood Base serves the entire bus fleet of Pierce Transit, as well as over 100 Sound Transit vehicles that are operated and maintained alongside Pierce Transit buses. Huitt-Zollars has been engaged to manage a phased improvement approach for the Pierce Transit Lakewood Base in order to address the unmet needs of the current fleet and to provide additional capacity for projected fleet growth through 2040. Throughout construction, which could take six to ten years, the base will continue its full operations.

Sea-Tac International Airport Pedestrian Bridge

As part of the Sea-Tac International Airport reconstruction, the Huitt-Zollars team designed the pedestrian bridge and pedestrian walkway that connects Sound Transit’s SeaTac/Airport Station to the Terminal at Sea-Tac International Airport. After foundations and columns were constructed, the pedestrian bridge was assembled on site and lifted into place. This method was selected due to limited access and very short nighttime roadway closure constraint. After placement, the pathway to the terminal was completed.

Sound Transit OMFE Design-Build Procurement Documents

Huitt-Zollars conducted the corridor/system analysis, site selection, environmental analysis (NEPA/SEPA), conceptual engineering, and Design/Build Procurement Bid Documents for a second Link Light Rail operation and maintenance satellite facility. Huitt-Zollars worked with operations and maintenance staff to program and design a facility that efficiently stores, operates, washes, dispatches, and maintains 96 light rail vehicles, approximately half of Sound Transit’s fleet.

Sea-Tac International Airport Expressway Widening and LRT Extension

Huitt-Zollars served as Design Manager and Lead Designer for a program to improve congested freeway access to the airport, and extend the LRT transit system to Sea-Tac International Airport. Services include project management, environmental assessment and WSDOT/FHWA clearance, agency coordination, and construction administration. Huitt-Zollars was also responsible for utility coordination and design, Intelligent Transportation System improvements, freeway structures, environmental mitigation compliance, SUE services, traffic analysis and simulation, and landscape design.

South Link Non-Motorized Access Study

Sound Transit requested that Huitt-Zollars prepare a Non-Motorized Access Study of the area within 1/2 mile of the proposed South 200th Station area. The purpose of the study was to review existing pedestrian and bicycle routes, and propose improvements to current bike and pedestrian facilities to encourage non-motorized access. Huitt-Zollars performed site reconnaissance, identified issues, performed existing conditions inventory, and identified a non-motorized access network based upon the “Proposed S. 200th Street Station Area Capital Mitigation Options” map provided by the City.

Meridian Campus

Huitt-Zollars provided management and design services for all development phases of this 1,150 acre mixed use development.  Huitt-Zollars prepared the master plan and backbone infrastructure system with the capability of adapting to changes in project requirements without reconstructing existing systems.  Additional responsibilities included project management, EIS and SEPA preparation, engineering, design and implementation of the final design, land planning, permitting, construction of the master plan, landscape architecture, construction administration, survey, construction staking for r

Target T-600 Import Warehouse

Located in the South Sound area of Washington State, the two-million square foot T-600 Import Warehouse serves Target’s Regional Distribution Centers along the I-90 corridor from Washington State to the East Coast. On this design-build project, Huitt-Zollars provided site selection analysis, due diligence services, preliminary and final entitlement, permitting, topographic and construction survey, and site civil engineering for on-site and off-site infrastructure.