EPIA Runway 8L-26R Reconstruction

The El Paso International Airport (EPIA) selected Huitt-Zollars to provide construction management and inspection services for the $17.5 million reconstruction of an existing 5,499-linear-foot runway and two taxiways, a new parallel taxiway, and three new connecting taxiways.

Huitt-Zollars provided the following services:

  • Airport safety and security considerations
  • Construction oversight of new signage
  • Runway and taxiway edge lights
  • Ten-foot stabilized shoulders alongside the proposed runway and reconstructed taxiways
  • Storm water improvements
  • Bridging over three liquid petroleum lines
  • Relocation of El Paso water lines, FAA power and communication lines
  • Storm water pollution prevention plan
EPIA Runway 8L-26R Reconstruction
El Paso
El Paso International Airport

Project Achievement Award for Transportation Less Than $50M, Construction Management Association of America (CMAA) North Texas Chapter (2017)